The Nightmare Transformation of America

By Garry J. Moes
The 1960s was a pivotal decade in American history, marked by social, cultural, and political revolutions that challenged the status quo and paved the way for significant changes in the ensuing decades. This essay explores the connections between the transformative events of the 1960s and President Barack Obama's vision of a "Fundamental Transformation of America," examining how the present administrative state reflects and fulfills the aspirations of that era and the horrors that may await this nation as a new darkness falls upon the land.
The 1960s witnessed a wave of social movements that claimed to address long-standing issues of civil rights, gender equality, and economic justice. The Civil Rights Movement, in particular, aimed to dismantle racial segregation and secure equal rights for African Americans. This era also saw the rise of the feminist movement, the anti-war protests against the Vietnam War, and a broader cultural shift toward social liberalism.
These movements laid the groundwork for a so-called progressive vision of America, challenging traditional power structures and demanding systemic change. The activism of the 1960s, fueled by an avowed desire for “social justice” and societal “equity,” set the stage for a broader societal shift that would influence political discourse and policy decisions in the years to come.
The progressive drive initially hit roadblocks as it produced a “malaise” in the American spirit and a significant portion of the American electorate harkened to the eloquent warnings of the conservative Ronald Reagan, who skillfully implemented a return to conservative values domestically. Reagan’s foreign policies, advanced with the help of Britain’s Iron Lady Margaret Thatcher, led to the collapse of Soviet Communism’s imperialism which had reached a zenith in the 1980s. Socialism temporarily seemed to be repudiated.
All the while, however, the radicals of the ‘60s revolution in the United States had continued to quietly press forward; and the student revolutionaries matured, morphed into Fabian Socialists, and infiltrated almost every institution of U.S. society, the media, the economy, the government, and most significantly, perhaps, the colleges and universities, even into lower levels of education.
This period witnessed the curious rise of an obscure state legislator and “community organizer” named Barack Obama, who emerged as a national senatorial and then presidential candidate promising a "Fundamental Transformation of America." Obama's vision claimed to be rooted in ideals of unity, hope, and progress, echoing the spirit of the 1960s movements. His election as the first African American president was said to symbolize a break from the past and an alleged commitment to a more inclusive and equitable future.
The administrative state under Obama included policy initiatives aimed to rectify the alleged imbalances of power and promote a fairer and more just society, aligning with the spirit of the 1960s movements that sought to challenge entrenched interests.
However, it is essential to note that the idea of a "Fundamental Transformation of America" is subjective, and opinions on the success or failure of Obama's agenda vary. Critics argue that the increased role of the administrative state as it grew during Obama’s eight years of presidency infringed on individual liberties and economic freedoms. The link between the transformative events of the 1960s and the policies implemented during Obama's presidency is now evident.
In fact, the transformation was so deep and complete that the traditional governance of the nation, obliviously to many, became nearly unrecognizable. Writing for Human Events three years after the end of the Obama administration, Hector Fajardo, noted:
When Obama became president, he made sure that his plan would have the resources and tools needed to be achieved. This included a transformation of the image America had on the global stage and a radicalized way to increase government power.
Once Barack Obama set up his infrastructure as it related to administrative positions, he effectively got free rein to push the policies he wanted with little to no resistance. He knew the media and Hollywood would not block any of the measures he would take, even if it meant compromising personal liberties.
This nearly invisible entrenchment of the radically progressive administrative state included transformation of virtually every department of the federal government. With the infrastructure fundamentally now in the control of radicals from top to bottom, the agenda of the radicals was poised to be implemented.
“What took place during Obama’s time in power was a significant shift in the way the American government, its military activities, its economic output, and even personal freedoms behaved. The government morphed into a giant control monster, who had its tentacles in virtually every aspect of our lives. This control was guided and monitored by press and media almost completely on Obama’s side,” Fajardo wrote. “Regulation after regulation hindered economic opportunities, squashed small and midsized industry, and threatened harm to political dissidence — the latter being one of the most dangerous.”
But “a funny thing happened on the way to the forum.” A free-wheeling billionaire with a grudge against the radical vision stepped onto the stage of the forum. His name is Donald J. Trump. The Left at first found him to be little more than a buffoonish showman and discounted his presidential candidacy as a ridiculous clown act. They were fully certain that another old ‘60s radical, Hillary Clinton, could easily defeat this egotistic goofball and continue the implementation of the republic’s sweeping transformation into an authoritarian state.
As the results of the 2016 election came in, one could see the shock that electrified the nerve endings of the new totalitarians when the crazy clown from Trump Tower convinced a necessary share of the American electorate that he could indeed “Make America Great Again.” The Trump agenda so fiercely promised to halt the progressive juggernaut of the past 50 years that the juggernauters and globalists could scarcely believe their lying eyes. And in the course of four Trump years, their entrenched infrastructure began to be so sweepingly dismantled that a burning hatred for this guy grew from kindling fuel to a raging blaze which is still spreading like wildfire and an Antifa-fueled urban conflagration. Yet four years was not enough for Trump to finish “draining the swamp.”
The first response was to do whatever would be necessary to prevent Trump from continuing his own retransformation of America back to its constitutional fundamentals. And “whatever was necessary” included what we now are beginning to see as incontrovertible proof of election fraud on a grand scale. The fraud was crude, but it had to be implemented in a hurry. And despite its barely hidden ground game during election period 2020, the fraud was successful enough to give a victory to a dithering old fool career politician named Joe Biden, Obama’s former vice president. During the following nearly four years, the radical re-entrenchment has moved with breathless urgent speed, led by a shadow government using old man Biden as an easily manipulated figurehead.
The full extent of the 2020 fraud is only now, nearly four years later, beginning to be known to the public, along with emerging disclosures of how the radicalized administrative state, including and especially, the Department of Justice and its Federal Bureau of Investigation and the nation’s intelligence community and military hierarchy, is hell-bound to prevent Trump from returning to the White House no matter the cost.
The stop-Trump offensive began even as he was leaving office in 2021 with a government covert operation now known simply as “January 6.” New congressional investigations are about to blow the operation open with disclosures of FBI, Capitol Police, and Metro Police collaboration to instigate a “riot” that could be quickly and continually blamed on Trump, despite the easily demonstrated fact that he loudly implored his followers to stay peaceful and go home and his offer to call in the National Guard to control the “insurrection,” as it is now called.
It is increasingly clear that there is virtually no action that the radicals are unwilling to take to stop Trump. The barrage of criminal and civil court cases launched against him are only the beginning. Mix in the quickly failing effort to prevent him from running under a Civil-War era constitutional amendment prohibiting “insurrectionists” from ever holding public office. The fire in their belly is burning so hot that it is not unimaginable that an assassination may be the last resort; we've already seen one attempt. 2024 threatens to be year of unprecedented upheaval that will either finally expose the ghastly depth of the “transformation of America” sought by the radicals or end with the collapse of America as we once knew it, the revolutionists' long-sought goal.